Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Michigan Avenue

When I was about 4, we moved to Michigan Avenue. I loved this house. I have so many memories of the house. My room was on the back side of the house. I would get up on winter mornings and have ice on the inside of my room. I think my room was the coldest in the house.

Spring on Michigan Avenue was unbelievable. The lilac bushes and flowering crab apples were just beautiful. The air smelled of the many blossoms blooming.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Beck Road

Beck Road
Plymouth (now Canton), Michigan

The second house that I ever lived in was located on the gravel/dirt Beck Road. This was a dilapidated old house that looked much like it should be condemned. I do not know why the family moved here, perhaps because they outgrew the little house on Ford Road. I don't have much memory of this house, only stories that I am not sure that I remember or that they were told to me about the place. This is me in the front yard of the house.

Here are some other pics of Beck Road

This old house - a poem:

As I passed by that ragged old house

The shingles all rotten and battered,
Most of the windows were still in their places
But some were all broken and shattered.

The owners moved out a long time ago,
And the old house is there all alone.
The grass is all dead the porch broken down
And the weeds, oh how they have grown.

The curtains were torn the pictures all crooked
The mattresses were old and rotten,
There were memories in this old house
Memories that were somehow forgotten.

This house that is ragged battered and worn
And its hinges all rusted and old,
Belonged to my parents way back then
This ragged old house I was told.

I remember going by this house before they tore it down.

The Little House on Ford Road

When I was born, my parents brought me home to this quaint little concrete brick house with a weeping willow in the front yard. It's hard to believe, but my parents raised 7 children in this small little house located on Ford Road in Plymouth (now Canton), Michigan.

46350 Ford Road
Plymouth, Michigan

Maw Maw and Mom on Ford Road

Maw Maw and Me

The House on Ford still stands. I took this photo in July 2004.

About me...

This is me

I was born in 1957 in Garden City, Michigan. I was the last child, #7, born to my parents, Don & Dorothy Robertson.

I have 6 older siblings; 4 sisters and 2 brothers. In fact, my siblings are so much older than me that the youngest is 10 years older and the eldest is 17 years older.

Sisters; left to right: Judy, Donna, Betty, Leona

Brothers, left to right: John, Don

I was an Aunt at the age of 3 and had so many nieces and nephews that I have lost count. Many of my nieces and nephews were raised with me and they felt like my siblings, whereas my siblings were much like additional parents. Needless to say, I was very spoiled....if my parents couldn't/wouldn't give it to me, my siblings provided. As I got older, I was the perfect baby sitter for my nieces/nephews. Sometimes I chose to watch them (I got paid $.50 per hour) but most of the time I was coerced into watching them for "free". I swore, after watching so many, that I was never going to be a parent....time changes things, however....this is a story for a later time.